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Missionaries We Support


Sarah Voss

About Sarah's Ministry


Sarah will be working as a full time campus missionary on ISU's campus with Cornerstone Church. Sarah's main roles in this position will be discipling women in their daily walks with the Lord, helping to plan outreach events and retreats, and continuing to be a small group/large group leader to lead students through weekly Bible study and share the Gospel with new students, as she equips other students to do so. Sarah is very passionate about sharing the good news and real hope of Jesus Christ with college students because she came to know the Lord during her college career at ISU while in Cornerstone community.




Bill Erickson

Hello! My name is Bill Erickson and I am directing IFI’s outreach at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). My wife, Donna, and I look forward to serving the ever-growing international community in this area. The international enrollment at our university has exploded in recent years to around 11,000, with over 100 countries represented. The UIUC now has one of the largest international student populations in the nation, with one in four students coming from another nation. We also have nearly 2,000 international scholars visiting our campus to further their academic careers. Many of them bring their families with them. It is amazing to have this huge global gathering right here in the midst of the corn and soybean fields of East Central Illinois!


Donna and I both earned degrees from the University of Illinois. Even before we knew each other, we each had a desire to reach out to people from other countries with the love of God. The Urbana missions conferences were still being held in Urbana when we attended the UIUC, and they fueled our desire to serve the Lord in a global dimension. When we were married in 1988, we sensed that God had brought us here for His international purposes, and we decided to make our college town our home town. Since then, we have worked in the community and raised three wonderful children; Amy, David, and Alise. Over the years, we have found opportunities to reach out to international students in our free time through hospitality efforts, home Bible studies, and outreach activities.


In light of the tremendous increase in the numbers of internationals now streaming to our campus, it has been our desire to become even more focused in reaching out to them. When the invitation from IFI was presented to us, it answered the longings of our hearts that we have had for many years. We look forward to this exciting opportunity to share the truth of God’s redemptive love with our international guests. As we reach out to this campus as a team, we hope to see the Body of Christ coming together in increased unity in response to Christ’s commission to go into all the world – one that is being brought right into our very midst.


Now is the time for us to labor in this harvest field with a unified effort! Will you join with us, in this amazing opportunity to reach out to the nations on this campus, through your volunteer participation, prayers and financial assistance? We can only do this effectively as we partner together as a team!

God bless you!

Bill and Donna Erickson

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Robin Gregory

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” -Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

It is Robin's call and her desire to help make Bible translations accessible to all people so that all could know that they are valued by God and are precious in his sight. For “the least of these”, Robin's prayer is that all people have the opportunity to experience the hope and comfort that comes through knowing Jesus Christ.

Would you consider joining Robin's Wycliffe team; partnering financially or through prayer, in serving those who need to hear Jesus’ message in their own language? Thank you!

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